
Certification Program of Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas


We are currently looking for overseas supporter stores who are enthusiastic about introducing high-quality and safe Japanese ingredients and alcoholic beverages internationally.


What is the "Certification Program of Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas"?

本制度は、日本産農林水産物・食品の海外需要を拡大し輸出促進を図るためのもので、農林水産省が定めた「海外における 日本産食材サポーター店の認定に関するガイドライン」に基づき運用されています。

It is a program that recognizes overseas restaurants and retail stores as "Japanese food supporters" that promote the use and sale of Japanese ingredients and alcoholic beverages. This is designed to increase overseas demand for Japanese agricultural, forestry, and fishery products and foods and is operated in accordance with the guidelines for "Certification of Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas" established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.


Advantages to becoming a certified Japanese food and ingredient supporter store


A restaurant or retail store certified as a "Japanese food and ingredient supporter store" will be entitled to display the "certified" logo to promote that they are a certified store.


Eligibility requirements to become a Japanese food and ingredient supporter store overseas. (Summary)
  • レストランの場合

    For restaurant
    • 日本産食材・酒類を使用した料理または酒を常に提供していること
    • メニューに食材・酒類が日本産である旨が表示されていること
    • 日本産食材・酒類の魅力や特長をPRしていること
    • Frequent use and service of food ingredients and alcoholic beverages produced in Japan.
    • The menu shows that the ingredients and alcoholic beverages are from Japan.
    • Promote the taste and qualities of Japanese ingredients and alcoholic beverages



    ※Food products produced in Japan shall be defined as: agricultural, forestry and fishery products produced and/or manufactured/processed in Japan. ※Japanese alcoholic beverages are alcoholic beverages produced in Japan.
  • 小売店の場合

    For retail store
    • 日本産食材・酒類を常に販売していること
    • 品棚に日本産食材・酒類である旨が表示されていること
    • 日本産食材・酒類の魅力や特長をPRしていること
    • Food ingredients and alcoholic beverages produced in Japan are regularly for sale.
    • Products are clearly displayed as being made in Japan.
    • Promote the taste and qualities of Japanese ingredients and alcoholic beverages.


Applications are now open


下記フォーム内「1. 申請者情報」の「認定を希望する機関」欄は、
必ず「J024 株式会社 VIDA Corporation」を選択のうえ、申請してください。

※申請いただいた後、認定団体又は運用・管理団体による審査を経て認定となります。 ※日本産食材サポーター店への申請・登録に係る費用や年会費はございません。

Apply to become a certified supporter store using the application form below.

Please be sure to select "J024 VIDA Corporation" at the "1.Applicant Information"
→ "Organization Applying for Certification" column in the form below.

※Applications will be considered by the project’s management organization. ※No fee is charged for applying for this project and in becoming a member.


Please consider applying for this opportunity


About the certifying management entity

株式会社 VIDA Corporation/VIDA Copration Co.,Ltd.

東京都渋谷区道玄坂一丁目22番9号 AD-O渋谷道玄坂 8階

1-22-9 AD-O 8th floor, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

株式会社 VIDA Corporationは、「海外における日本産食材サポーター店認定制度」の運用・管理団体であるジェトロが認定した認定団体です。他にも、農林水産省補助事業である「日本人日本食料理人の海外展開支援事業」も実施しています(平成30〜令和3年度)。

VIDA Copration Co.,Ltd. is a certifying management entity officially authorised by JETRO, which operates the "Certification Program of Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas". VIDA Corporation has recently completed a project called "Support the Overseas Expansion of Japanese Chefs" from 2018 to 2021 operated on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
We provide interior design and construction for restaurants in Japan and overseas and support the expansion of Japanese restaurants overseas.